The new rule, which pertains to chatting with WpE during his live streams, is effective instantly.
During WpE’s game streams, interactions with WpE should be relevant to the game or genre being played. Do not engage in backseat gaming unless explicitly requested. Still, viewers are free to discuss any topic among themselves, provided they follow the chat rules. Our goal is to make no exceptions.
If you wish to inquire about WpE’s well-being, you can ask “What’s up”. If you engage in any other casual pleasantries, you are aware of the possible penalties you’re facing.
WpE reads some of your messages when his chat is open. He will not reply if you violate the (new) chat rule. Repeated violations are prone to punishment, including 1-3 warnings followed by a temporary soft ban. Persistent disregard for this rule results in permanent banning. WpE hopes it will not come to that.
IRL streams are more casual. The chat is generally more relaxed about any topic. This relaxation is provided it adheres to the rules.
Rule modifications are often enacted to tackle issues related to safety, fairness, or the development of the stream itself.