Farewell good ol friend

Farewell good ol friend

Goodbye, my trusted friend. Your battery lasted almost a decade The physical security key, once a steadfast guardian of my Blizzard account, has reached the end of its chemical life.…
Blizzard License Agreement

Blizzard License Agreement

This will certainly shock every gamer, especially those who play Blizzard's games. The new license agreement states that players do not own the games they purchase; rather, the games are…
Streams postponed

Streams postponed

Hello everyone, I must inform you that upcoming streams are postponed due to a significant amount of raw material that needs processing. Kindly refer to the subsequent announcement for details.…


The polling and voting forum is now active on the WpE Community forums. A forum for WpE-related polling is now available. Voting is open to EVERYONE, no login is required!…
WpEcaps: Wasteland Rewinds

WpEcaps: Wasteland Rewinds

WpEcaps: Wasteland Rewinds Click the link above Starting from GTA V Part 15, we've implemented a new change to enhance your viewing experience. In our edited VODs, all non-essential roaming…


I have been working on reviving WpE's YouTube channel. I removed some irrelevant videos related to "Twitch", created appropriate playlists, and sorted the old videos into the right playlists. I…
Community Forums

Community Forums

WpE's Community Forums Our forums are finally live! There's plenty to change still, but 1st edition is a success! Go to: https://forum.wpe.tv And register your WpE community account!