WpE's Blog & Community
This is the first public version of the website & community release that matters to me, WpE, a great deal.
I post all the changes and additions related to WpE's website and community (forum and Discord) here.
Also, changes related to streaming in Kick, YouTube, Twitch, and AFK.
Site & changelogs
Kick & Twitch gaming multistream.
Removed Twitch from the gaming multistream as it was causing more issues than it would benefit my Kick channel growth.
Changed encoder settings to 1080p60.
Twitch output
Kick encoder settings
Enabled Kick chat for viewers.
Fixed the odd behaviour of main menu.
Fixed some typos.
Steam profile linking is in your forum profile page.
Realtime chat is for logged in users only!
Removed tons of Discord channels and added them in forum.
Added "Forum Goblin" to ping WpE's Discord for new forum posts (only selected forums).
Forum to Discord bridge
Realtime chat
Steam profile linking
Discord channels to forum
Huge chunk of Discord channels
I added my YouTube channel output to the mix. Most likely tonight I'll be multistreaming to YouTube.
Enabled YouTube chat.
YouTube output
WpE's Image Gallery / Image Hosting is online.
Added World clock in the forums board index. You'll see the time difference between WpE and you.
I'll test old button mic tonight on my Night-owl stream.
Stream viewing experience
Recalibrated the speaker distances and balancing the levels.
Initial testing showed 90% reduction in double sounds (audio from Home Theater speakers through button mic).
Strem viewing experience
New bbCode box.
Added safeguards for posting in case of a server/connection crash. Meaning your post is saved? locally before submitting it to the WpE's server.
Added Lightbox as a "companion" for the WpE's Gallery. Images posted in forums should be resized corectly now.
Added Smartfeed option in the header menu. Easier for you to get notified about the new posts, topics and / or replies.
Added Ajax post preview.
Realtime moon phase in the header.
Moon phase
Post preview
Reading experience
Now there's finally a forum for the VODS (edited), Clips and AFK Clips.
VODs, Clips & Videos forum
Added polls & votes section in the community forums.
User experience
I decided to remove the changelogs. It didn't get any hits and was using my time for upkeeping.